Thursday, June 15, 2006

The older dresses somehow seem to go on easier. Mayur, the peacock outfit. They wore different crowns then they have in recent memory though. The peacock crowns with the effulgences. Those crowns weren't even made for our Deities. Somehow the people who ordered them never came for them. When a couple of people from here happened to be in that shop. They had the money to pay for the crowns in cash so the merchant said he'd sell them.
As i pedaled along today i saw another pedaler on a bicycle that he needed a step ladder to get up to the saddle. Usually a pedaler will kick their leg over the top tube to begin but this one had to climb a four step ladder. All the others today looked kind of ordinary after that. Even the sufferers that have those racks on their bikes to hold their boards didn't look quite as far out as this "monster" bike.
This night dress was put togethe at such a blistering pace it made the seamstress' four heads spin. Offered on Srila Prabhupada's vyasa puja, it has that society's classic flowing chodders and long coats. But Gandharvika has a sari which is unlike that society. 'Cause there Radharani's veil is put on in a unique manner reminiscent of a jet with swept back wings or something.


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