Saturday, January 07, 2006

The crowns with today's dress were brought from Vrndavan. They had been ordered by someone else but never picked up. The maker gladly sold them to the devotees from here who had went to buy some crowns anyway. Each crown is two peacocks facing each other. Behind there is an effulgence of peacock feathers. At first the question came about using them for Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika but then there was a picture of Deities from the Math in Vrndavan wearing a similar set of crowns. In that way the question was answered. Now those have become the crowns for this dress.
Today there was no fog down by the beach. A few brave suffers were there to dodge the driftwood. From the temple to the beach through downtown back up through a village by another beach spin round by the post office. Back throgh the village, dowm by the pleasure point area,on to twin lakes up seventh avenue and back to the temple.
As i dressed the Deities for rest someone pointed out a book from Navadvipa entitled Sri Harinam the offenses commited while chanting. That gave us all a laugh since we're more used to hearing the offences to be avoided but srnvanti gayanti he sadhava. Even though they be imperfectly composed they will be sung and heard by those who are thouroghly honest.


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