Friday, January 27, 2006

The boarder was the question today. Some one saw the Tulasi skirt and asked if that boarder matched the one on the Deities dress. The flower or four leaf clover indeed is on both Tulasi's skirt and the Deities dress. This is another outfit that has extra piecies so it can be tow different outfits. It was first offered on Janmastami and then the extra piecies were added and some of the orignals subtracted and that was offered on Radhastami. Today's is a sivler dress and the other is gold.
The pedaling today almost wasn't 'cause of some morning rain. But beat the drums and hold the phone the sun came out later in the day. Then it was the usual east cliff run to town and then back to wake the Deities and offer evening arati.
The buttery color night dress this evening with the peacock effulgences saw the night in tonight. Where it goes only the lord knows.


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