Monday, December 26, 2005

Today's dress was offered on Janmastami. One that wasn't quite as we had asked for it. This was the first one we had made in India. Other societies spend more on outfits than we do and so maybe ours just wasn't taken as important. A couple of times the seemstress and the person who was donating the dress went to the taylor and tried to explain how they wanted it done but still the things just weren't right. But it is a beautiful dress and those who didn't know all the trouble it was to have it done would not have guessed that there ever was a problem.
The riders were for sure back on the storm today. The no-where bike has gotten quite a few hours on it this season. Perhaps a reprive will come tomorrow.
It was a small gathering this evening and the Deities saw in the night wearing a dress offered on Guru Maharaja's appearance day a few years back called in the ninth.


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